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My hope for the world is transformation through rediscovering and recovering your hearts desire.


As a speaker, my keynote concert is designed to inspire people to take action and make something great happen in their life. As a coach I work one on one with people who want a partner in achievement, clarity of purpose and support creating and following a new vision for their life and work. In fact, my soon-to-be released forthcoming Amazing Things Blog/Vlog will be launched in early 2021.


As a result of my work, people often share they have more focus on what matters and more courage to do the things they didn’t feel they could do. On a personal note, when I was 10 years old I made a life decision… I would not become a nun and I would marry Ringo.


Sometimes when people ask me what I do for a living, I say I’m a psychic. I then explain that I am a rather unique psychic in that I just know 3 things about everyone on the planet:


  1. Everyone you meet, know, pass on the street or stand next to getting coffee, could tell you a story that would make you wonder; “How do you make it through something like that”?

  2. That we all go through what we go through as a sort of initiation, and to grow spiritually.

  3. That we are here to learn from and heal every experience and be reminded we came to do Amazing Things.


You’re Amazing, and stronger than you know.

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